AIM Processing Small Plastic Parts Blog

Three Tricks for Successful Demolding in Plastic Injection Molding

Posted: March 21, 2025 by Jon Gelston
Tags: Plastic Injection Molding, Quality


In plastic injection molding, the process of demolding a part is as important as creating the mold design and forming the part. Successful demolding is essential for maintaining part quality, reducing mold damage and minimizing cycle times. To optimize the process, here are three crucial tricks to enable a clean release from the mold without creating defects in the part. These recommendations will generate more consistent and efficient demolding.

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Sinking in Sink Marks?

Posted: February 10, 2025 by Jon Gelston
Tags: Plastic Injection Molding, Plastic Injection Molding Defects, Quality

How to avoid them and produce high-quality injection molded parts

Injection molding creates complex plastic parts with high precision and repeatability. However, like any manufacturing process, it comes with its challenges, including defects in the molded part. One of the most common defects is sink marks. These small surface depressions can compromise not only the aesthetic appeal of a product but also its functionality. This blog will describe sink marks, explain what causes them to occur and offer methods to prevent these defects.

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Designing Cooling Channels in Injection Molds: A Combination of Art and Science

Posted: December 4, 2024 by Jon Gelston
Tags: Plastic Injection Molding, Quality, injection molding

Cooling the molten plastic injected into the mold in a plastic injection molding machine is a critical process. The cooling system controls the temperature of the mold and impacts the quality and forming efficiency of the injection molded product. Uneven temperatures in the mold create temperature differentials in different sections of the product. The varying temperature across the product can cause temperature-induced stress, shrinkage, warping and deformation. Products with complex shapes and uneven wall thickness are particularly susceptible to these effects if the temperature distribution is uneven. An efficient cooling system that can maintain a uniform temperature distribution can minimize these defects in the molded parts. This article will present both options and recommendations for designing effective cooling channels in injection molds and explore strategies and considerations crucial for maximizing cooling efficiency and optimizing molding outcomes.

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Voice of the Customer: Empowering Medical Device Innovation Through Precision Manufacturing

Posted: October 29, 2024 by Jon Gelston
Tags: Plastic Injection Molding, Quality, Tool Transfer, Customer

A minimally invasive medical procedure or device simplifies traditional treatment methods, causing the patient less pain and reducing the risk of complications. When Trice Medical was experiencing unnecessary complications and frustrations obtaining critical injection molded components for its manufactured equipment, it realized the need for a new business partner that could supply a reliable, painless solution. Recently, President of Trice Medical, Mike Steen, sat down to discuss his company's long-standing partnership with AIM Processing. With more than 15 years of experience in the industry, Mike shared valuable insights into the strong collaboration between the two companies, the value AIM Processing brings to the table and how their partnership has evolved over time.

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How to Size Minimum Wall Thickness for Injection Molding – Optimizing Your Part Designs

Posted: August 12, 2024 by Jon Gelston
Tags: Electronic Enclosures, Quality, Plastic vs. metal, Waterproofing, Outdoor enclosures

Maintaining proper wall thickness is one of the most important aspects of designing custom injection molded parts. Overly thick walls not only waste material, they’re also more likely to exhibit part defects such as sink marks. On the other hand, overly thin walls are prone to warping and cracking, while also generally lacking the strength necessary for a durable end product.

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The Role of Automation in Modern Plastic Injection Molding

Posted: July 30, 2024 by Jon Gelston
Tags: Electronic Enclosures, Quality, Plastic vs. metal, Waterproofing, Outdoor enclosures

In the plastics manufacturing industry today, automation is the name of the game if you want to be competitive. Automated injection molding machines, robotic part handlers, automatic loading/unloading systems… In fact, automated manufacturing technology has become increasingly common throughout the American manufacturing sector as a whole. Essentially, these newer technologies help US manufacturersoperate as lean, efficient and productive as possible, thus meeting the new demands of onshoring while remaining cost competitive to the global marketplace.

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Injection Molding Costs Explained – Breaking Down the Price of Your Custom Project

Posted: July 9, 2024 by Jon Gelston
Tags: Plastic Injection Molding Defects, Plastic Types, Quality, Texture, Choosing the right plastic injection molder

Many factors go into determining the overall cost of producing your custom injection molded parts. First there’s the product design, development, and iterative prototyping process if required. Once your design is finalized, next up is the tooling cost to build your mold that will be used to make your product. Even once manufacturing is underway, a number of factors will still dramatically affect your ongoing production costs: material type, material usage, and machine cycle time to name a few.

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How Injection Mold Flow Analysis Improves Your End Products

Posted: June 13, 2024 by Jon Gelston
Tags: Plastic Injection Molding Defects, Plastic Types, Quality, Texture, Choosing the right plastic injection molder

Today’s complex injection molded parts often require more complicated designs with more contours and more walls throughout. This can complicate fill patterns, cause unexpected voids/gas traps, and introduce warp. As a result, it has become increasingly critical to ensure uniformity so that the end products offer the expected strength and performance they are designed for. That’s where mold flow analysis comes in.

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Essential Injection Molding Guidelines for Customers New to the Process

Posted: May 30, 2024 by Jon Gelston
Tags: Plastic Injection Molding Defects, Plastic Types, Quality, Texture, Choosing the right plastic injection molder

Embarking on a new custom injection molding project can be intimidating, especially for customers who are new to the industry. If you’ve never seen the process through from start to finish, it can seem extremely complex and even overwhelming with all of the details you’re expected to bring to the table.

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Injection Molding Techniques: Hot Runner Manifolds vs. Cold Runners

Posted: May 16, 2024 by Jon Gelston
Tags: Plastic Injection Molding Defects, Plastic Types, Quality, Texture, Choosing the right plastic injection molder

Today’s advanced injection molding techniques take an intelligent, disciplined approach to the manufacturing process that ensures both higher precision and efficiency. Making the right choice between hot runner manifold systems and conventional cold runners is just one of the many considerations we make. Nevertheless, it’s one of the most critical decisions in order to optimize our injection molding methods for your unique products and volume requirements.

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